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"The uniform makes me feel strong and confident"

Grace, 15 year old player


We wanted something that would look good on every body; we think our uniform is pretty awesome!


We were awarded a diversity grant in 2020 to add a singlet top and shorts option. These were road tested in 2020 and several players felt much more comfortable with this option. Players can purchase black shorts of their choice to wear with the singlet.


We have also added hoodies which the players (and coaches!) seem to love.


RISE teams will take the court feeling confident their uniforms look and feel great.

All uniform enquiries should be directed to our Uniform Coordinator via, or via our store on Team App; please refer to the sizing charts below. Note, the singlet tops technically use of the same size chart as for dresses (below), however they do run a little small. Please contact the Uniform Coordinator if you'd like to try one for size at training.  

We aim to keep costs low, understanding that parents have budgets. Good quality pre-loved uniform items can also be purchased where available at a reduced price. Please send an enquiry to the Uniform Coordinator about pre-loved uniforms.

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